There has recently been an increase in companies operating in Greece, maintaining, however, their headquarters and VAT number in a neighboring EU country (e.g. Cyprus, Bulgaria).

The aforementioned companies, apart from commercial, may also have import-export activity in Greece. (POL.1125 / 2016).

Our company undertakes the tax representation of your company in Greece, as well as the full monitoring and processing of your imports / exports in the Greek territory.

Knowing perfectly the peculiarities of the specific status, we are able to undertake the following on your behalf:

  • tax representation of companies domiciled outside Greece
  • issuance of special codes of the foreign company in the Greek system icisnet
  • smooth observance of all prescribed procedures, at an accounting level
  • preparation and submission of import / export declarations on behalf of the foreign company
  •  consistent completion of the customs clearance process, with our physical presence at the customs office
  • electronic payment of customs duties at the customs office
  • transaction with any other involved party (e.g. maritime companies, container stations and warehouses, domestic transport companies etc)

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.


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